Fair Value: Jurnal Ilmiah Akuntansi dan Keuangan - e-ISSN: 2622-2205 (online),  p-ISSN: 2622-2191 (print) is an open access, peer-reviewed journal published by the Department of Accounting, Indonesian Cooperative Institute, Indonesia (now Ikopin University). To improve the quality of the journal, per issue of Volume 6 Number 1, this journal is published three times a year, namely in April, August, and December.

Fair Value: Jurnal Ilmiah Akuntansi dan Keuangan accepts rigorous research articles that have not been offered for publication elsewhere, on research related to accounting and business that is relevant to the development of accounting theory and practice in Indonesia and Southeast Asia in particular and in the world. Therefore, this journal accepts articles from Indonesian and other countries' authors. Fair Value: Jurnal Ilmiah Akuntansi dan Keuangan covers various research approaches, namely: quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods. It focuses on various themes, topics, and aspects of accounting and investment.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.32670/fairvalue.v5i8

Published: 2023-03-25

Pengaruh strategi pemasaran terhadap kepuasan pengunjung River Tubing Lembah Niti

Agus Dadan Setiawan, Ani Surtiani, Irfan Dzulfikar | Pages:

Pengaruh manajemen kinerja terhadap peningkatan kinerja pengelola di UPTD BBIAT Kota Cimahi

Ahmad Mansur, Susilawati Susilawati, Warman Suryaman | Pages:

Business strategy of home healthcare service to accelerate the adoption of care at home service in Indonesia

Muhammad Naufal Syafrun, Ang Dung Do, Raden Aswin Rahadi | Pages: 3254-3269

Utilization of machine learning to detect the possibility of suspicious financial transactions

Dina Anggraeni, Siti Nurwahyuningsih Harahap | Pages: 3277-3283

Proposed business strategy for coffee shop based on customer preferences

Tri Hendra Widadi, Dina Dellyana | Pages: 3291-3305

New business strategy to turn around sales performance in the future: Case of Siemens Indonesia

Innovator, Deddy Priatmodjo Koesrindartoto, Anh Dung Do MBA | Pages: 3335-3349

The influence of giving people businesscredit (KUR) on increasing UMKM profit

Femi Nurul Atipah, Azizah Kholiq, Halilintar Halilintar, Haryadi Haryadi, Sri Rahayu | Pages: 3350-3354

Pengaruh pengetahuan, pengalaman dan financial satisfaction terhadap keputusan investasi : Gender sebagai variabel moderasi

Wivan Febriansyah, Wida Purwidianti, Herni Justiana Astuti, Restu Frida Utami | Pages: 3369-3380

Perencanaan bisnis pempek tekwan Palembang Dapur Cindo

Dhomas Agastya Hasmoro | Pages: 3390-3406

Perkembangan penerbitan sukuk negara sebagai pembiayaan defisit fiskal dan kondisi ekonomi makro di Indonesia

Audy Putri Criseli, Nabila Yatama Noor, Yurike Yurike, Maya Panorama | Pages: 3483-3487