Review:Studi Tumbuhan Sebagai Antitukak Pada Bagian Daun

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I Bagus Duta Anandika
Habibur Umami Amrullah


Peptic ulcer is a collection of diseases characterized by disturbances in the
mucosa of the esophagus, stomach or small intestine. The main causes of peptic
ulcers are increased acid secretion and balance disturbances caused by the
aggression of mucosal resistance. However, these drugs have quite severe side
effects. Plants can be used as an alternative anti-ulcer treatment. This article
aims to provide information on various plants that have anti-ulcer activity that
have been tested on animal models. Some of these plants include Averrhoa
blimbi L., Gynura pseudochina L., Phyllantus niruri L., Andrographis
paniculata, and Olea europaea. Based on their activity, plants containing
chemical alkaloids, terpenes, terpenoids, flavonoids, saponins, phenolic acids
and tannins have been shown to have anti-ulcer effects with various effective

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How to Cite
Anandika, I. B. D. ., & Habibur Umami Amrullah. (2022). Review:Studi Tumbuhan Sebagai Antitukak Pada Bagian Daun. Humantech : Jurnal Ilmiah Multidisiplin Indonesia, 2(Spesial Issues 3), 789–794. Issues 3.1511


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