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Fasya Amalia Pitaloka
Linda Supriatin
Nabilah Azhar
Septy Qurratu Aini
Hisny Fajrussalam


The attitude of one's student religiosity can be seen from various sides of human
life. Religious activities are not only seen from perseverance in worship
(rituals), but when carrying out other activities outside of worship that is driven
by supernatural attitudes, it becomes one of the attitudes of religiosity. This
attitude of religiosity is usually one of the factors of one's achievement. Through
the understanding of each religion that is taught, it gives birth to good habits in
its activities. This study habit will increase one's achievement in learning and
attitude. To be able to prove it, it is necessary to do research on this problem.
The purpose of this study is to determine the most dominant religious attitude

towards learning achievement. This research was conducted using quantitative
research with online questionnaire data collection to students and educators.
The results show that most of the religious attitudes in the form of reading the
Koran are the most dominant attitudes that affect learning achievement. They
mentioned that the cultivation of religious attitudes in Islamic teachings can
develop one's character, apart from that religious attitudes also have a positive
role in one's learning outcomes. Although, a religious attitude does not
guarantee a person's level of success, at least a good attitude is embedded in

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How to Cite
Pitaloka, F. A. ., Linda Supriatin, Nabilah Azhar, Septy Qurratu Aini, & Hisny Fajrussalam. (2022). PENGARUH SIKAP RELIGIUSITAS MAHASISWA TERHADAP PRESTASI BELAJAR. Humantech : Jurnal Ilmiah Multidisiplin Indonesia, 2(Spesial Issues 3), 804–814. Issues 3.1500


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