Efektivitas Penerapan Aplikasi Zoom Dengan Menggunakan Metode TAM (Studi Kasus : SMP NEGERI 1 PPU)
Main Article Content
This study aims to determine the effectiveness of the application of the Zoom
application used by teachers and students at SMP NEGERI 1 PPU. The
framework used is the Technology Acceptance Model which has 5 main
constructions, namely 1) Benefits in using the application 2) Ease of using the
application 3) Attitude in using the application 4) Intention to use the
application 5) The actual use of the application. The research method used is a
quantitative method with a case study approach which is carried out through
distributing questionnaires containing 16 questions each and then given to
respondents. The data obtained from the respondents were then processed using
SPSS (Statistical Product and Service Solution) software. Respondents used
were 23 teachers and 84 students of SMP NEGERI 1 PPU whose number was
determined using cluster random sampling technique so that the number of
respondents became more accurate. Before distributing the questionnaire, the researcher first used several samples to determine whether the questionnaire
was valid or not. The results showed that the use of the Zoom Meeting
application was able to have a positive impact on its users, namely teachers and
students in terms of perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, attitude toward
using, intention to use and good use. actually (Actual Use). The researcher first
used several samples to determine whether the questionnaire was valid or not.
The results showed that the use of the Zoom Meeting application was able to
have a positive impact on its users, namely teachers and students in terms of
perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, attitude toward using, intention to
use and good use. actually (Actual Use). The researcher first used several
samples to determine whether the questionnaire was valid or not. The results
showed that the use of the Zoom Meeting application was able to have a positive
impact on its users, namely teachers and students in terms of perceived
usefulness, perceived ease of use, attitude toward using, intention to use and
good use. actually (Actual Use).
Article Details
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