Analisis efektivitas penerapan pembelajaran daring pada masa pandemi di SMPN 1 PPU

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Muhammad Sofyan Idris


Online learning is one of the main options in carrying out learning during the
COVID-19 outbreak period which is a recommendation from the government
not to do face-to-face. This condition makes SMP Negeri 1 PPU choose google
classroom in conducting online learning. Google classroom is one of the online
learning media that suits the needs of online learning today. This research aims
to find out the effectiveness of online learning in SMP Negeri 1 PPU during the
pandemic using Classroom, the results of the analysis will be used as a
consideration in choosing an effective online learning media.This research is
included in quantitative research that requires information based on data
obtained through data collection through observations and questionnaires
shared with respondents. The results of this study state that online learning
using google classroom used today is effective. Google classroom is said to be effective because this application is very suitable for teachers in doing learning
and has supporting features in online learning.The use of this application is very
easy to learn and understand, save in the use of internet quotas and the use of
this application may still be used in normal conditions. From the results of
research on the effectiveness of online learning using google classroom is very
effective. It is expected to continue to improve online learning during the
COVID-19 pandemic by coordinating between teachers and principals. 

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How to Cite
Idris, M. S. ., Surmiati, & Darmansyah. (2022). Analisis efektivitas penerapan pembelajaran daring pada masa pandemi di SMPN 1 PPU. Humantech : Jurnal Ilmiah Multidisiplin Indonesia, 2(Spesial Issues 3), 697–709. Issues 3.1503


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