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Dewi Harmoni
Rudi Erwin Kurniawan
Nuzul Abdi Makhrifatullah


Nurses are an important part in health development. Nurses are also part of
health workers, even in the implementation of health services nurses play a
very important role, because in their daily life they are always in direct
contact with patients and other health workers. Nurses in health services
legally cannot provide services because they must obtain permission from the
government which is stated in Law No. 36 of 2006 Article 23 paragraph 3 concerning health, moral encouragement from nurses as health workers is
desired by the community to provide health services to the community. in
remote areas which are generally difficult to reach and even met by doctors,
so that eventually nurses provide health services to the community, but on the
other hand, this can be blamed because nurses provide health services without
permission from the government which can also be called (malpractice). ) the
author is interested in reviewing and discussing how the legal arrangements
regarding the position of nurses in Indonesia and how criminal responsibility
for nurses who commit malpractice acts. This research was conducted with a
normative legal research type, the type of statute approach research, namely
the approach to legislation that focuses on primary legal materials that
regulate malpractice crimes against nurses. Lack of public understanding and
empathy from nurses themselves who think nurses can act like doctors The
implementation of nursing practice by nurses who are not in accordance with
the regulations and legislation will clearly be very detrimental to the service
recipients and the nurses themselves. If someone complains or even questions
it legally, it will have legal consequences for the nurse herself. 

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How to Cite
Dewi Harmoni, Rudi Erwin Kurniawan, & Nuzul Abdi Makhrifatullah. (2021). TANGGUNG JAWAB PERAWAT DALAM MELAKUKAN TINDAKAN MALPRAKTIK. Humantech : Jurnal Ilmiah Multidisiplin Indonesia, 1(2), 219–231. https://doi.org/10.32670/ht.v1i2.1026


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