Analisis Kebutuhan Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia Di Kabupaten Bandung


  • Cucu Supriyatna BKSDM Pemda Kabupaten Bandung
  • Akmad Djohara BKSDM Pemda Kabupaten Bandung



Kinerja PNS, Disiplin Kerja, Pelatihan, Motivasi Kerja, Kemampuan SDM.


Civil Servants (CS) are still often associated with negative views such as corruption, collusion, nepotism, lack of discipline, lack of competence, lengthy bureaucracy, and inefficiency. Several factors are suspected of having an influence on the performance of civil servants, including education and training, discussing the study of the Development Analysis of Technical Human Resources for General Administration of CS Groups II and III. The research method used is an associative method with a quantitative approach. The research sample consisted of 113 people who were determined using a disproportionate stratified random sampling technique based on educational level strata. The conclusion of this study is that the general administration competence of civil servants class II and III needs to be improved through educational and training interventions (training) as well as non-training interventions. This study identifies the competencies that need to be mastered by CS class II and III and provides suggestions for the Regional Government of Bandung Regency to improve the performance of civil servant general administration. Competency enhancement can be carried out through relevant technical training, such as effective communication, information management, problem solving, computer applications, and effective team building. In addition, non-training interventions such as monitoring the implementation of organizational strategic plans, fostering conducive working relationships, and encouraging a spirit of learning are also needed.


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Peraturan Bupatai Bandung Nomor 63 Tahun 2017 Tentang Pedoman Pengmbangan Kompetensi terintegrasi Bagi PNS dilingkungan Pemerintah Kabupaten Bandung

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How to Cite

Supriyatna, C., & Djohara, A. . (2023). Analisis Kebutuhan Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia Di Kabupaten Bandung. Coopetition : Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen, 14(3), 427–446.