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Ephivani Kuartis Nabus
Chontina Siahaan


Political communication is an aspect that is always found in the world
political.Political communication is very important, especially in
democracy.Democracy is a form of political communication to convey the
sovereignty of the people. This journal was created with the aim that
everyone can know about democracy in adolescents and how important the
role of youth or youth in the world of democracy.This journal also has benefits
for both the author himself and his readers.In this manufacture, the author
uses the literature method and collects data about the material and analyzes
and draws coclusions. You are a teenager or democracy id an individual who
plays an important role in democracy to achieve common prosperity.Without
the youngers generation all general election or regional election which are
forms of democracy will not be able to take place in general,fair,honest,and
free. Young people are entered into voting rights when they start at the age of
17 or who are married,they have the same civic responsibilities as other
adults. There are many things that youth touch in democracy,such as physical
works and photos that show how many important democracy is for teenagers.

Article Details

How to Cite
Nabus, E. K., & Chontina Siahaan. (2021). DEMOKRASI SEBAGAI BENTUK KOMUNIKASI POLITIK KAUM REMAJA. Humantech : Jurnal Ilmiah Multidisiplin Indonesia, 1(1), 19–24.


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