Tablet effervescent dari ekstrak daun alpukat (persea americana mill.) sebagai peluruh batu ginjal pada tikus jantan galur wistar (ratus norvegicus)
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Chemical compounds found in the avocado leaf, include saponins, tannins,
phlobatannins, flavonoids, alkaloids, and polysaccharides. Avocado leaf can be used as
medicinal herbs for kidney stones and hypertension. Avocado leaf extract can reduce
the formation of calcium oxalate monohydrate crystals, which is the main component of
kidney stones and shows changes in morphology and crystal size. Other studies showed
that avocado leaf extract effervescent tablets have a kidney stone laxative effect.
Effervescent tablets were made from the ethanol extract of the avocado leaf with 3
variations in levels in each formula. The variations in the avocado leaf extract level
used in formulas 1, 2, and 3 were 35, 65, and 100 mg in a row. The results showed that
formula 3 with avocado leaf extract of 100 mg gave the most significant results as a
kidney stone laxative when compared to other formulas.
Article Details
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