Perancangan sistem informasi akuntansi penerimaan dan pengeluaran kas di Star Glam Bandung
Main Article Content
The objective of this research is designing accounting information system of cash receipts
and disbursements cash in Star Glam Bandung. This research used qualitative method to
collect the data, all of the data were carried by observation and literature review of
theoretical study concerning the topic. Based on the research, there was a problem in
recording cash receipts and disbursements cash process. It was still manually and less
effective, so that take more time in the process. The problem basically can be solve by
develop the information sistem in software by using Waterfall model that has five stages
and also Flowmap model and Data Flow that was implemented by Microsoft Visual Studio
2010 and Microsoft Access as database. Based on the results of research conducted by the
author, it can be concluded that the existence of an information system for cash receipts
and disbursements at Star Glam Bandung makes the process of recording and inputting
data easier and minimizes errors. With the information system is also able to generate
reports of cash receipts and disbursements more quickly, precisely and accurately.
Article Details
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