Main Article Content
Case management is a strategy of interventions that used by health care systems
and providers to support clients, to coordinate health services, and facilitate
results, both in price and quality. The case manager is generally responsible for
the coordination and continuity of patient services or at certain services phases
clearly identified very close to the patient so that the case management model led
by the case manager is able to realize health services based on patient centered
care. The Purpose: Knowing effectiveness role and function of case manager in
improving quality of nursing assessment in inpatient ward of MK and KB general
hospital. The method of this study: the method used is quantitative research method
using Quantitative Experimental Design. There are two research groups namely the experimental that is given treatment and the control group as a comparison.The
number of samples in this study were 25 respondents for each group by collecting
data using a questionnaire. Statistical test used to determine the effectiveness of
variables using the General Linear Model Reapeted Measure. The Results: the
results of the analysis show that there is an increase in the mean value for each
measurement and p value = 0,000 smaller than the value of α = 0,05. The
conclusion: The results of the analysis show that there are differences in the
effectiveness of the role and function of the case manager in improving the quality
of nursing assessment in the inpatient ward of MK general hospital.
Article Details
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