Main Article Content
In optimizing the quality of life of the elderly during the Covid-19 pandemic, the
role and support of family and community is very much needed. This study aims
to determine the relationship between family support and 3M compliance
(wearing masks, washing hands, and maintaining distance) during the COVID19 pandemic in the elderly in the UPTD work area of the Talun Health Center,
Cirebon Regency. This research method uses an analytical survey with a crosssectional approach. The population is the elderly in the working area of UPTD
Puskesmas Talun, Cirebon Regency and the number of samples is 94 people. The
sampling technique used was purposive sampling. Sampling technique with certain considerations. Data analysis used the Chi-Square test with a
significance value of = 0.10. The results of univariate analysis showed that most
of the respondents (75.5%) received family support in the high category. Then
most of the respondents (76.6%) are included in the 3M compliance category.
Bivariate analysis with Chi-Square test shows p-value 0.001 < 0.10, so H0 is
rejected, meaning that there is a relationship between family support and 3M
compliance (wearing masks, washing hands, and keeping a distance) during the
covid 19 pandemic in the elderly in the UPTD Puskesmas Talun work area.
Cirebon Regency. In future research, it is hoped that it will focus more on the
application of health promotion related to family support
Article Details
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