Main Article Content
Sharia economic law (fiqh muāmalah) is the main instrument in the
development of contemporary Islamic financial institutions. However, in its
application, there are still various kinds of problems that indicate the
dominance of the ideological-normative paradigm rather than the empiricalobjective paradigm. This paper aims to unravel this problem by looking at
the implications of Immanuel Kant's philosophy in the development of
sharia economic law studies. The method used in this paper is a method of studying documentation and literature which is closely related to the object of
study and other references in the form of the results of previous research and
theories from v arious textbooks and analyzed with a philosophical and
historical approach. This article finds that Kant's philosophy of criticism begins
by placing doubts on the philosophy of rationalism which accepts a priori
knowledge without criticism. But not as skeptical as Hume, Kant tried to
formulate an epistemology that would allow this a priori knowledge to be
accepted. Until finally Kant found an a priori synthesis of knowledge that
bridges between rationalism and empiricism. Therefore, herein lies theurgency
of Kant's epistemological influence on the development of the study of Islamic
economic law which tries to formulate the idea of the importance of combining
ideologyand theory, between normative-idealist and historical-empirical. Thus,
Islamic teachings formulated in Islamic economic law and implemented in
Islamic financial institutions, with their complementary and supplementary
nature, can be an instrumentfor building a value-based economic and financial
Article Details
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