Case report: Hydrocephalus in tuberculous meningitis patient with HIV
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Meningitis is defined as inflammation of the membranes of the brain and spinal cord that can be caused by various causes, including tuber-culosis. Approximately 1% of tuberculosis patients develop tuberculous meningitis. Hydrocephalus is one of the complications of tuberculous meningitis characterized by the accumulation of intracranial cerebrospi-nal fluid (CSF) under pressure. In this report, we describe a 32-year-old man whose chief complaint was severe headache. The patient reported irritability and also had fever. Meningeal excitatory signs were positive in the patient. It was known that the patient was a human immunode-ficiency virus (HIV) patient with tuberculous meningitis. After several days of hospitalization, the patient developed hydrocephalus. The pa-tient had tuberculous meningitis, which caused hydrocephalus as a complication, coupled with his HIV-positive status. The patient received appropriate medical treatment and underwent a ventriculoperitoneal (VP) shunt procedure, which resulted in symptomatic improvement thereafter.
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