Penggunaan Media Papan Pintar Untuk Mengetahui Nama-Nama Bangun Datar dan Bangun Ruang Pada Kelas 2
Main Article Content
In mathematics, the function of the media to facilitate the learning process is based on the
belief that the learning process with the help of the media can improve student learning
outcomes to achieve the objectives of learning mathematics. With the use of smart board
media, it is expected that students' knowledge and understanding of mathematical concepts
will be better and can foster students' interest and motivation to learn mathematics. The
use of SmartBoard Learning Media is not only to attract attention so that students can pay
attention to the material in it, but this learning Smart Board media is to improve their
memory when learning mathematics by building data and constructing space. This research
uses a qualitative research type. Data collection techniques in this study were observation
and interviews. The subjects of this study were class 2 C teachers and class C students. In
this study it can be concluded that by using smart board learning media in the material to
recognize the names of flat shapes and shapes, active students respond to learning very
well, students can understand, can answer questions given by the teacher. , and interact
well during learning.
Article Details
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