Pembuatan robot pelontar bola tenis meja low budget untuk meningkatkan kompetensi atlet tenis meja di kabupaten blora
Main Article Content
Many people practice the sport of table tennis, with a manual like practicing one-on-one.
This method is said to be less effective because it drains the energy of a coach who trains
his players, also the strokes from a table tennis coach will decrease in accuracy if he is
training for a long period of time. The table tennis branch under the auspices of PTMSI
Blora Regency still has several problems including in the facilities and infrastructure for
training athletes independently using table tennis ball throwing robot media, as well as how
to make ball throwing robots that require a small fee. The first solution to the problem is to
make a simple table tennis ball throwing robot with a minimum cost of under 1.5 million,
for the second solution, training is held to make a ball throwing robot. The development of
science in the efficiency of table tennis practice can use tools such as table tennis ball
throwing robots, to make a robot that can produce adjustable speed and spin shots having
several procedural steps to achieve the desired results such as the process of finding the
required information, testing try, and implementation. The result that is expected to be
achieved is to produce a table tennis ball throwing robot with the speed, period, and spin
of the shot that can be adjusted via a potentiometer. There are two types of spin, namely
topspin, and backspin, and can throw 30-80 balls.
Article Details
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