Main Article Content
The research, entitled "Student Responses to Learning with Problem Based
Learning Methods or Not Using PBL" raises the issue of how students respond
to the use of Problem Based Learning models in the Thematic lessons of
Elementary School. This study aims to measure the level of student response to
thematic subjects using the PBL model at SDN Mojosari. The subjects in this
study were grade 4 students at SDN Mojosari, the object of this study was the
student's response to the use of the PBL (Problem Based Learning) learning
model at SDN Mojosari. In this study, it is discussed about the PBL learning
process that educators or teachers must use to change the learning environment
unlike in general. Based on the research data, it shows that the use of the PBL
( Problem Based Learning) model is very appropriate when applied in the
Thematic learning of Elementary School.
Article Details
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