Review: Formulasi Optimum Sediaan Gel Lidah Buaya (Aloe Vera L.) serta Efektifitasnya Sebagai Obat Luka Pada Hewan Uji

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Ni Putu Dewi Rahayuni
I Wayan Martadi Santika


Gel preparations are good topical treatments for inflammation. Aloe Vera (Aloe
Vera) can be used topically to treat wounds in the form of a gel dosage because
it contains mannose-6-phosphate and polysaccharides which function as wound
medicine. To obtain the optimum formulation for Aloe Vera gel (Aloe Vera L.)
and its effectiveness as a wound medicine in tested animals. Aloe Vera activity
as wound healing formulated as a gel preparation for Aloe Vera (Aloe Vera L.)
showed that it was able to reduce the size of the burn area on a 5% Na-CMC
basis. The Na-CMC based gel formulation had a better speed than the
Karbopol-based gel formulation in healing burns.

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How to Cite
Rahayuni, N. P. D. ., & I Wayan Martadi Santika. (2022). Review: Formulasi Optimum Sediaan Gel Lidah Buaya (Aloe Vera L.) serta Efektifitasnya Sebagai Obat Luka Pada Hewan Uji. Humantech : Jurnal Ilmiah Multidisiplin Indonesia, 1(6), 748–752.


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