Corruption, Criminal Imposition, Forms of Error.Abstract
Corruption is a problem that greatly disrupts the state's financial system. So
corruption is dubbed as an extraordinary crime (extraordinary crime).
Therefore, criminal acts of corruption are specifically regulated in Law Number
20 of 2001 concerning Amendments to Law Number 31 of 1999 concerning
Eradication of Criminal Acts of Corruption. Even though it is specifically
regulated, in the judicial process of corruption, judges often give inappropriate
sentences. Then in their consideration, the judges often do not pay attention to
the principles of criminal law to punish the guilty. In line with that, through the
normative research method, the authors use a case approach to analyze the
judges' considerations in the decision Number: 01/Pid.Tipikor/2013/PN. Which
sentenced the defendant to 7 (seven) years in prison. The verdict is not under
the actions of the defendant, because the defendant's actions that were proven
were only mistakes (schuld) in the form of negligence (culpa) and not
intentionally (dolus). Therefore, the defendant should have been sentenced to
less than 7 (seven) years because negligence is a lighter form of error than
intentionally (Eddy, 2016: 187). This principle is very important in determining
sentencing by judges. So that in terms of imposing a crime, the judge must pay
attention to the forms of errors that can alleviate and burden both from the
perspective of the defendant and the community by referring to the sentencing
guidelines, so that these decisions are in line with the objectives of criminal law.
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