Pengaruh disiplin terhadap produktivitas kerja karyawan pada Surya Toserba Kadipaten Kabupaten Majalengka

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Irna Syari
Eli Dahlia


The purpose of this research is to obtain data and information needed to be
processed, analyzed, and interpreted, regarding the analysis of work discipline
its impact on employee productivity at Surya Toserba Kadipaten Majalengka
Regency, so that it can be used as a research proposal in fulfilling one of the
requirements of a research proposal program. Management studies at the
College of Economics (STIE) STMY Majalengka. The method of data collection
in this study was a questionnaire filled out by respondents, namely employees
of Surya Toserba Kadipaten Majalengka Regency. The sampling of 55
respondents in this study used the incidental sampling method. The analysis
used in this research includes analysis of validity test, reliability test, linear
regression analysis, correlation analysis and coefficient of determination,
hypothesis testing t-test. There is a positive and significant influence between
work discipline on employee work productivity at Surya Toserba Kadipaten
Majalengka Regency. Because the value of tcount is greater than ttable
(10.0098 > 1.66123) so H0 is rejected. the coefficient of determination for
discipline on the work productivity of Surya Toserba Kadipaten Majalengka
employees is 51.60%. The influence of other factors is equal to (100%−51.60%)
= 48.40%. This influence is the influence of other factors outside of the
discipline variable on work productivity. The result of calculating the
correlation value between discipline and work productivity of Surya Toserba
Kadipaten Majalengka Regency employees based on research data obtained is
0.7183, then the relationship between work discipline variables and work
productivity of Surya Toserba Kadipaten Majalengka Regency employees are
included in the strong group. The results of the calculation of the regression
coefficients based on the research data obtained can be written in the estimated
regression equation as follows: Y = 9.11 + 0.35 X.

Article Details

How to Cite
Syari, I. ., & Eli Dahlia. (2022). Pengaruh disiplin terhadap produktivitas kerja karyawan pada Surya Toserba Kadipaten Kabupaten Majalengka. Humantech : Jurnal Ilmiah Multidisiplin Indonesia, 2(3), 594–603.


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