Analisis emisi karbondioksida ditinjau dari penggunaan kendaraan berbasis aplikasi di Kecamatan Sukolilo Surabaya

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Zarin Raffinet
Yayok Suryo Purnomo


Motor vehicles that are often used can have a serious impact, especially on the
environment. Congestion, noise and exhaust emissions caused by uncontrolled
use of motor vehicles. The research method used is a quantitative method that
performs CO2 emission calculations using the Mobile 6 equation and performs
data analysis with regression tests using the SPSS Version 19 program and
conducts interviews on 59 vehicle users taken at random sampling. The total
results of CO2 emissions conditions before the covid-19 pandemic on Jalan
Nginden Semolo amounted to 1670088.568 kg / year, on Jalan Arief Rahman
Hakim amounted to 3287922.045 kg / year while on Jalan Kertajaya Indah
amounted to 4129273.85 kg / year. So that the total CO2 emissions in Sukolilo
Subdistrict amounted to 9087284,469 kg / year. Changes in CO2 emissions
occurred in the form of the transfer of CO2 emissions from private vehicles to
online motorcycles and online cars by 17.01% (25,412.03 tons of CO2/year) and 14.9% (22,300.35 tons of CO2/year) respectively. The selection of online
motorcycles turned out to have one factor that had a significant effect, namely
the traffic congestion factor. As for the selection of online cars is influenced by
2 significant factors, namely the limitation factor of parking space and more
comfortable for travel.

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How to Cite
Raffinet, Z. ., & Yayok Suryo Purnomo. (2022). Analisis emisi karbondioksida ditinjau dari penggunaan kendaraan berbasis aplikasi di Kecamatan Sukolilo Surabaya. Humantech : Jurnal Ilmiah Multidisiplin Indonesia, 2(3), 636–643.


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