Pengaruh kepercayaan terhadap loyalitas nasabah pada perumda BPR Majalengka Cabang Jatitujuh Kabupaten Majalengka
Main Article Content
This study aims to determine the effect of trust on customer loyalty. Where the
independent variable is trust affects customer loyalty as the dependent variable.
This research was conducted at Perumda BPR Majalengka, Jati Tujuh Branch,
Majalengka Regency. The data collection method in this study was a
questionnaire filled out by respondents, namely the customers of Perumda BPR
Majalengka Jati Tujuh Branch, Majalengka Regency. A sampling of 95
respondents in this study using a simple sampling method. The independent
variable in this study is trust, while the dependent variable is customer loyalty.
The analysis used in this research includes analysis of validity test, reliability
test, linear regression analysis, correlation analysis and coefficient of
determination, hypothesis testing t-test. The hypothesis test shows that the value
of t arithmetic = 13.8048 where the value of t table = 1.66140, So it is evident
that there is a significant influence between trust and customer loyalty. Then H0
is rejected, and H1 is accepted because t count > t table or 13.8048 > 1.66140.
The regression equation is Y= 3.76 + 0.43X. from the equation, it can be
concluded that the constant value of 3.76 states that if there is no increase in
the value of the X variable, the price of customer loyalty is 3.76. The regression
coefficient of 0.43 states that for each addition (because of the + sign), one
score, the value of confidence will increase in a score of 0.43 times. So every 1-
time increase in score is predicted to increase customer loyalty by 0.43X. From
the above calculation results where the correlation coefficient (r) = 0.7358,
which means that the relationship between trust and customer loyalty is quite
strong according to the interpretation of the r-value against the interpretation
table of the r-value. From the calculation results, the coefficient of
determination is 54.14%, which shows trust's contribution (variable X) to the
rise and fall of customer loyalty (variable Y) of 54.14%. In comparison, the
remaining 45.86% was influenced by other factors not discussed in this study
and considered unchanged (ceteris paribus).
Article Details
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