Pengaruh internet sebagai sumber belajar dan kemandirian belajar terhadap pemahaman materi pelajaran ekonomi kelas X dan XI SMA Jawaahirul Hikmah Besuki tahun ajaran 2020/2021

Main Article Content

Ferdina Putri Pradani
Sulastri Rini Rindrayani


The Effect of the Internet as a Source of Learning and Independent Learning on
Understanding Economics Class X and XI SMA Jawaahirul Hikmah Besuki Academic
Year 2020/2021. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the internet as
a source of learning and independent learning on the understanding of subject matter
for students in class X and XI at SMA Jawaahirul Hikmah Besuki. The type of research
used is quantitative with a survey approach. The results of this study are: (a). There is
a partial influence between the independent variables of the internet as a learning
resource (X1) on the understanding of economics subject matter (Y), namely tcount
3.858 > ttable 1.682 which means significant, (b). There is a partial effect between the
independent variable learning independence (X2) on the understanding of economics
subject matter (Y), namely tcount 3.359 > ttable 1.682 which means significant, and (c).
There is a simultaneous influence of the independent variable of the internet as a
learning resource (X1) and the independent variable of learning independence (X2) on
the dependent variable of understanding economics subject matter (Y), namely fcount
19,419 > ftable 3,220 which means significant. Then the contribution given is 48.6%
and the remaining 51.4% is influenced by other variables. The conclusion is that there
is a partial influence on the internet as a learning resource (X1) on the understanding
of economics subject matter (Y) and independent learning (X2) on the understanding of
economics subject matter (Y) for students of class X and XI SMA Jawaahirul Hikmah
Besuki Academic Year 2020 /2021 with a contribution of 48.6%.

Article Details

How to Cite
Pradani, F. P. ., & Sulastri Rini Rindrayani. (2022). Pengaruh internet sebagai sumber belajar dan kemandirian belajar terhadap pemahaman materi pelajaran ekonomi kelas X dan XI SMA Jawaahirul Hikmah Besuki tahun ajaran 2020/2021. Humantech : Jurnal Ilmiah Multidisiplin Indonesia, 2(3), 473–476.


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