Metode Ilmiah Sebagai Cara Mendapatkan Pengetahuan dalam Epistemologi

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Muhamad Ridwan kafara


The philosophy of knowledge or epistemology in its development became the history of
human thought which became the central theme. The development of philosophy of
knowledge or epistemology is indeed concerned with questions about knowledge
concerning how to obtain knowledge: What are the sources of a science and
knowledge?. To answer the question of whether humans already know with their
knowledge, epistemology is the answer. The development of science means the starting
point for the study of science based on the principles of in-depth methods and
procedures to obtain the truth. In this case, what is meant is the scientific method.
Methods are broadly divided into two groups, namely the empirical cycle of natural
sciences, and linear methods for social sciences - humanities. The scientific method is
a procedure or way to obtain knowledge which is known as science. Not all knowledge
can be called because science is a way of getting it must go through and meet certain
conditions that must be met so that something called science is obtained through the
scientific method.

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How to Cite
kafara, M. R. . (2022). Metode Ilmiah Sebagai Cara Mendapatkan Pengetahuan dalam Epistemologi. Humantech : Jurnal Ilmiah Multidisiplin Indonesia, 2(Special Issue 2), 640–648. Issue 2.1420


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