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Nur Azizah


Morals are very important in life. In this regard, the role of Islamic religious education among Muslims is included in the category of embodiment of the ideals of Islamic life in preserving and transforming Islamic values to the next generation personally. Morals guided by the light of Allah will give birth to a straight and directed ethics. As a result, moral development education should be provided in formal, non-formal, and informative teaching and education. The purpose of this study is to describe the values of moral education in the novel when love is blessed by Habiburrahman El Shirazy. This research method is a type of library research where data is collected from relevant written documents The purpose of this research is to solve problems that require a critical and indepth
study of the relevant library materials. Nasal data comes from primary and
secondary sources. The results show that the values of moral education in the
novel when love is blessed by Habiburrahman El Shirazy are: morality towards
Allah and His Messenger, which consists of gratitude, patience, and salawat,
morals. towards parents, which consists of gentle words to parents, morals
towards oneself which consists of hard work, high ideals. Morals towards fellow
human beings consisting of humility. Based on the research that has been carried
out, it is concluded that in the novel when love is blessed by Habiburrahman El
Shirazy contains the values of mah easy moral education including: 1) morals
towards Allah and His Messenger, 2) morals towards parents, 3) morals towards
oneself, 4 ) morality towards fellow human beings

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How to Cite
Nur Azizah, & Deswalantri. (2022). NILAI-NILAI PENDIDIKAN AKHLAK MAHMUDAH DALAM NOVEL KETIKA CINTA BERTASBIH KARYA HABIBURRAHMAN EL SYIRAZY. Humantech : Jurnal Ilmiah Multidisiplin Indonesia, 2(Spesial Issues 1), 21–28. Issues 1.1115


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