Main Article Content
Most women work to earn a living outside the home and often leave the family for several
hours each day, which interferes with the breastfeeding process. The increasing female workforce is
one of the obstacles in the success of the exclusive breastfeeding program. This is due to the short time
off from work, lack of workplace support, short rest periods at work (not enough time to express
breastmilk), and not having room to express breastmilk. This study aims to determine the relationship
between the level of maternal knowledge and exclusive breastfeeding of working mothers in the
Bulurokeng Community Health Center Work Area which was held on January 17, 2020 - February 15,
2020. Methods: This research is an analytical survey research using a cross sectional study approach.
This study used 125 samples taken using purposive sampling technique which was then measured using
a questionnaire. Results: This study shows that the highest level of mother's education is 58 respondents
(46.4%) with a tertiary education level and 4 respondents (3.2%) with an elementary education level.
Maternal knowledge was obtained as a result of 10 respondents (8.0%) had a low level of knowledge,
22 respondents (17.6%) had a sufficient level of knowledge, and 93% of respondents (74.4%) had a
good level of knowledge. There is a significant relationship between the level of maternal knowledge
and exclusive breastfeeding in the Bulurokeng Health Center with a p value of 0.000 (p <0.05)..
Article Details
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