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Nelia Fariani Siregar


The purpose of this research is to find out the implementation of The Strategy of ThinkTalk-Write strategy in teaching writing is effective or not. The writer used descriptive text
as essay text in writing. The studies used in this thesis are quantitative research and
experimental method. There are two groups, experimental and control group of classes .
There are 50 student as the samples that consist of 25 students in each class and the
writer applied purposive simple. The data were collected by using test method (Pretest
and Post test). The results of pretest and posttest were different. Both of the experimental
and control class. In control class, the average scores of pretest was 1025 and the
average scores of post test was 1570. Meanwhile, in the result of pretest and posttest
from experimental class. The average scores of pre test were 1095 and the average
scores of posttest were 2170 after the data calculation, it finds that Taccount was 5.416
and Ttable. Was 2.01063 with df48 and significant level 0,05(5%). It means that
Taccount wa 5,416 and Ttable. Thus, it can be concluded that hypothesis testing in this
research is accepted, and the implementation of the strategy of think-talk-write strategy
in teaching writing is effective to student. It can be seen from statistic calculation. It can
be concluded that the implementation of (TTW) think-talk-write in teaching writing to
the first grade at Economic Faculty, Universitas Swadaya Gunung Jati ( UGJ ) Cirebon,
Jawa Barat.

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How to Cite
Nelia Fariani Siregar. (2021). THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE STRATEGY OF (TTW) THINK-TALKWRITE IN TEACHING WRITING TO THE FIRST GRADE. Fair Value: Jurnal Ilmiah Akuntansi Dan Keuangan, 4(Spesial Issue 2), 773–787. Issue 2.976


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