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Ferry Siswadhi
Mauledy Ahmad


Knowledge management is an approach that relies on understanding
organizational tasks, namely understanding well how and when knowledge
creation must be supported, how to use the accumulated knowledge that has been
created so that it can be made more productive. This study aims to describe the
dimensions of knowledge work and knowledge management as well as explain
the influence of knowledge workers on knowledge management and explain the
effect of the dimensions of knowledge workers on knowledge management
through knowledge workers in employees at the Regional Secretariat of Kerinci
Regency. The dimensions of entrepreneurship used in this research are
Symbolic-Analytic, Social Skill and Cilent Relationship and Instrinsic Nature.
The population and sample in this study were all employees at the Regional
Secretariat of Kerinci Regency. The research design used is correlational so that
the research method used is by using a questionnaire. Use AMOS as an
analytical tool with the Structural Equations Modelling (SEM) technique

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How to Cite
Ferry Siswadhi, & Mauledy Ahmad. (2021). ANALISIS DIMENSI KNOWLEDGE WORKER DALAM MENINGKATKAN KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT PEGAWAI PADA SEKRETARIAT DAERAH KABUPATEN KERINCI. Fair Value: Jurnal Ilmiah Akuntansi Dan Keuangan, 4(Spesial Issue 2), 752–761. Issue 2.974


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