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M. Dana Prihadi
Maya Sari


The right policy decisions and dividend payments can maximize the value of the
company and shareholders. The value of the company is determined by the value
of its own capital and the value of debt. Therefore, the stock price means an
increase in the value of the company. In contrast to the larger dividend payments
can reduce the company's ability to invest which can lead to a decrease in the
company's growth rate in the future, this can make the shares go down. The
purpose of this study is to analyze the relevance of firm size, profitability, and
governance in dividend policy. This research is divided into five main parts. First,
it presents the background of the research. This study uses the Library Research method, namely by approaching the theories
that are relevant to the focus of the research carried out. In this section, an
assessment of the concepts and theories used is carried out based on the available
literature, especially from articles in various scientific journals. The Library
Research approach is carried out to build a concept or theory that forms the basis
of the study in this research.
This study concludes that if company size has relevance in dividend policy, large,
well-established companies will have easy access to the capital market, while new
and small companies will have a lot of difficulty having access to the capital
market. Due to the ease of access to the capital market which is quite significant
for its flexibility and ability to obtain larger funds, so that the company is able to
have a higher dividend payout ratio than small companies.

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How to Cite
M. Dana Prihadi, Nugraha, & Maya Sari. (2021). PENENTUAN KEBIJAKAN DEVIDEN: BAGAIMANA RELEVANSI UKURAN PERUSAHAAN, PROFITABILIAS, DAN TATA KELOLA DI ERA PANDEMI. Fair Value: Jurnal Ilmiah Akuntansi Dan Keuangan, 4(Spesial Issue 2), 744–751. Issue 2.973


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