Main Article Content
One of the solutions to Jakarta's transportation issues is the development of
rail-based transportation. Rail transportation has become a solution for mass
transport.. Since urban trains are a public welfare facility, governance of
spare parts availability has an important role in maintaining the reliability of this mode of transportation. This study aims to determine the proper and good
classification of electric train spare parts (Type J) in relation to determining
management decisions for electric train spare parts (Type J). In particular the
electric train (Type J) is the first technology in Indonesia that uses the
Communication Based Train Control (CBTC) system. This study uses a semistructured interview method to obtain data on the classification of electric
train spare parts as primary data. Railway Maintenance Division is the
representative for operation, technical, supply point of view in managing the
availability of electric train spare parts. Referring to the predetermined
criteria and sub-criteria, namely the Operational, Technical, and Supply
criteria, then the primary data obtained will be processed by the AHP method
through calculations using excel software and expert choice. Based on the
results of the combined calculation of the third level towards the purpose of
this study, namely the criticality of electric train spare parts, experts consider
that for the criticality of electric train spare parts, it is necessary to manage
the supply of electric train spare parts with priority on providing spare parts.
From the results of the evaluation calculations, it shows that the expert choice
software can be used as a tool in calculating the AHP multi-criteria for
managing the supply of spare parts for electric trains. Then, based on the
results of the evaluation, the criteria and sub-criteria used in this study can be
used as a reference for the classification analysis of the management of the
supply of electric train spare parts. The result of this research is the first step
for further research on the management of spare parts inventory in the railway
Article Details
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