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Istanto Setyahadi


Buru Regency is one of the regencies in Maluku Province, and it is well-known for
producing high-quality eucalyptus oil. Buru Regency also has a number of potential
tourism objects, including natural tourism, marine tourism, agrotourism, and
cultural and historical tourism, all of which can be developed as a source of revenue
for the region. The purpose of this qualitative research with a descriptive approach
is to determine the influence of internal and external factors on tourism development
and to identify the most appropriate tourism development strategy to be used in Buru
Regency. The research is being conducted in tourist attractions throughout the Buru Regency, the local government and the tourism office are also the sources of
information. The research instrument used was observation, interviews, and
questionnaires, as well as a literature review. The data analysis technique used
SWOT, which has been based on an assessment of the factors that impact tourism in
Buru Regency. The findings indicate that both internal (strength-weakness) and
external (opportunity-threat) factors influence tourism development in Buru
Regency. The mapping of internal and external factors via SWOT analysis
determines the SO (strength-opportunity) strategy as the primary strategy choice,
namely using strength (strength). Internally through the development of special
interest tourism, network building among tourism object managers, collaboration
with local and foreign travel agents, website development, coordination between
regional and central agencies, structuring tourism institutions, and facilitating
investment in the tourism sector. Other alternative strategies that the Buru Regency
government can use in tourism development include the WO (strategiesweaknessopportunity), ST (strength-threat), and WT (weakness-threat) that can be applied in
tourism development by the Buru Regency government.

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How to Cite
Istanto Setyahadi. (2021). TOURISM DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY IN BURU REGENCY. Fair Value: Jurnal Ilmiah Akuntansi Dan Keuangan, 3(2), 421–434.


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