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Imas Sumiati
Nyi Raden Ruyani


Water is one of the most vital needs and absolutely needed by all living things,
especially humans. In daily life, humans cannot be separated from their need for
water. For this reason, the provision of clean water is indispensable for drinking
water needs. Data analysis techniques use formulas that are calculated using SPSS
assistance. This study uses the theory of supervision, service quality and marketing
theory. Using secondary data, namely through documents such as organizational
structure, vision and mission, realization data, etc. The research methods used by
researchers are quantitative methods and qualitative methods (mix-method) to be precise an explanatory mix-method design. The data collection techniques used were
primary data by conducting interviews with the Service and Supervision Manager,
non-participant observation, and distributing questionnaires to 30 respondents. The
results showed that the Supervision Stages provided the same and unidirectional
assessment of service quality and clean water marketing. This means that if the
supervision has been carried out correctly and appropriately, the quality of service
and marketing will also be good and vice versa if the supervision is not good then
the quality of service and marketing will be not good. The obstacles faced in
monitoring the quality of service and marketing at the PDAM East Area Rancaekek
Bandung Regency are poor facilities and infrastructure and areas that are still
difficult to reach to market or distribute clean water due to small and few pipes.
Efforts to overcome this are that the office needs to repair and improve facilities and
infrastructure to support services and carry out reservoirs for marketing clean water
so that service quality can be carried out quickly and precisely to the community

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How to Cite
Imas Sumiati, & Nyi Raden Ruyani. (2021). THE STAGE OF SUPERVISION CAN DETERMINE THE QUALITY OF SERVICE AND MARKETING OF CLEAN WATER. Fair Value: Jurnal Ilmiah Akuntansi Dan Keuangan, 4(5), 1856–1866.


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