Tinjauan Implementasi Prinsip Koperasi Pada Klub Sepak Bola Indonesia
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Based on a survey conducted by Nielsen in 2014, 77% of the total population of
Indonesia was attracted to football clubs. This value shows that the football industry
in Indonesia has large market potential. However, this potential has not been fully
utilized, since there are still clubs dispersion due to management problems. This
study uses data sourced from World Football in the German League (Bundesliga),
Spanish League (La Liga), English League (Premier League), and Indonesian
League (Liga 1) in the 2018/2019 season. Cooperative principles are used to find out
the differences between football management. Furthermore, we used qualitative and
quantitative analysis, in SWOT analysis, quadrant mapping, and trendline of the
scatter plots to determine the relationship between variables studied. The result
shows a positive relationship between the two variables and concluded that leagues
with cooperative football clubs tend to have a positive slope and higher coefficient
variable points accumulation against the average variable audience compared to a
non-cooperative club.
Article Details
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