Mi-Co (Millennial Cooperative): Solusi Rebranding Koperasi Era Milenial Menyongsong Bonus Demografi 2030


  • Kevin Michael Kristian Institut Pertanian Bogor
  • Aisyah Nurush Shoba Institut Pertanian Bogor
  • Anggun Institut Pertanian Bogor
  • Feryanto Institut Pertanian Bogor




Cooperative, Millennial, Rebranding


Cooperatives are institutions that are expected to become pillars or pillars of the national
economy and as an institution of the people's economic movement, where members are the
main force possessed by cooperatives. Cooperatives have many advantages when compared
to corporations or other business entities, including being able to create economies of scale
because cooperatives can produce more output with lower average costs and are able to
compete because cooperatives can create bargaining positions. Being a member of a
cooperative will be very beneficial if seen from the advantages possessed by the cooperative.
In addition to the considerable potential of cooperatives, cooperatives also face challenges in
their development. The challenges for cooperatives are increasingly supported because today
we are in the Industrial 4.0 era. The cause of the many challenges faced by cooperatives is
because of the lifestyle changes of millennials that are so fast and uncertain (disruptive), due
to the rapid development of information technology, robotic, artificial intelligence,
transportation, and communication. Survey conducted by researchers with 86 respondents
with an age range of 18-30 years, showed that the millennial generation considers
cooperatives still relevant for now, which is 82.4% of 86 respondents stated cooperatives are
still relevant. This indicates that cooperatives are still very potential to be developed in the
current millennial era but rebranding is needed so that cooperatives can be accepted by
millennials. The rebranding can be carried out by making various innovations, one of which
is the Millennial Cooperative (Mi-Co) being a cooperative concept that is in accordance with
the principles, values, and identity of cooperatives in their operations as well as in accordance
with millennial characteristics.


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How to Cite

Kevin Michael Kristian, Aisyah Nurush, shoba, anggun, anggun, & Feryanto, F. (2020). Mi-Co (Millennial Cooperative): Solusi Rebranding Koperasi Era Milenial Menyongsong Bonus Demografi 2030. Fair Value: Jurnal Ilmiah Akuntansi Dan Keuangan, 2(2), 199–221. https://doi.org/10.32670/fairvalue.v2i2.87