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Nilawati Fiernaningsih
anna widayani


The purpose of this edifying is to explain and analyze the influence of the competence of
small and medium industry actors to the adoption of IT through the readiness of small and
medium industries in entering the Industrial revolution of 4.0. This research uses a
quantitative approach using explanatory research. The population of this research is the
small and medium industry of the food and beverage sector in Blitar city totaling 2896 SMI
actors. To determine the sample of the population, researchers used the formula of Yamane
to obtain a total number of respondents 97 people. The sampling technique of this research
is a random sampling technique with the number of samples taken proportionally following
the number of SMI actors in Blitar City. The method of collecting data using questionnaires
is distributed to respondents and is calculated on a Likert scale. Data is analyzed using the
path analysis using SPSS. Data analysis methods consist of instrument tests, descriptive
statistical analysis, inferential statistical analysis, and hypothesis testing with path
analysis. The results of this study showed that the competency of SMI practitioners, SMI
readiness has a positive and significant influence on IT adoption

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How to Cite
Nilawati Fiernaningsih, & widayani, anna. (2021). INFLUENCE OF SMI’S COMPETENCE TO IT ADOPTION THROUGH THE READINESS OF SMI IN ENTERING INTO INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION 4.0. Fair Value: Jurnal Ilmiah Akuntansi Dan Keuangan, 4(5), 1637–1647.


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