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Lisa Kurniasari Wibisono
Mince Batara


Promotions carried out by an endorser through social media such as Instagram
are not only used by large companies in their marketing activities, but can also
be used to market products from local MSME brands to increase product sales
online. Based on the stimulus-organism-response (SOR) paradigm, this study
will examine the role of endorsers in brand marketing and online buying
behavior in the context of MSMEs in the Rantepao City area, North Toraja,
South Sulawesi. Based on the number of variables and indicators used in this
study, a representative sample approach was used in sampling, so the number
was 80 to 160 respondents. Purposive sampling technique which is part of the
non-probability sampling technique will be used to determine the respondents
who are the sample. During the study, a set of questionnaires with 5 Likert scale
answer choices will be given to the target respondents as the primary data
source. After the research data is obtained, the data will then be analyzed for
validity and reliability tests. After the data is found to be valid and reliable, the
partial least squares (PLS) analysis method will be used to test the proposed
hypothesis. Statistical analysis carried out includes: evaluation of the outer and
inner models. The expected results and outputs in this study are to produce
references for MSME business actors in carrying out business activities that use
endorsers as a way to strengthen brand attitudes when consumers make online
purchasing decisions. The results of this study are at TKT 2. The results obtained
from this research will be published in the Accredited National Journal: Journal
of Business Economics, State University of Malang Accredited Sinta 4 with pISSN: 0853-7283 and e-ISSN: 2528-0503 as Mandatory Outcomes. accepted and
Sinta 3 Accredited Petra Christian University Marketing Management Journal
with p-ISSN: 1907235X and e-ISSN: 1907235X as additional outputs submitted.
And the 2021 National Seminar on Management and Business Economics
(SNMEB) as Additional Outcomes.

Article Details

How to Cite
Lisa Kurniasari Wibisono, & Mince Batara. (2022). PERAN ENDORSER TERHADAP BRAND ATTITUDE DAN PERILAKU PEMBELIAN ONLINE: STUDI KASUS UMKM DI KOTA RANTEPAO, TORAJA UTARA, SULAWESI SELATAN. Fair Value: Jurnal Ilmiah Akuntansi Dan Keuangan, 4(4), 1562–1575.


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