Education Administration, New Student AdmissionAbstract
School is a place to study and build character in children from an early age to
teenagers to solve problems. The purpose of this study was to determine the
administrative system for the registration of new students at the Termilal
Mosque (MASTER) school in Depok. The research method used is a qualitative
descriptive method. The technique of collecting data was by conducting direct
observations and interviews with the founders and administrative staff of the
MASTER Terminal MASTER Mosque School Foundation in Depok. The results
of this study are Master schools consist of several educational levels including
Early Childhood Education (PAUD), Elementary School (SD), Junior High
School (SMP), and High School (SMA). The registration system at Master's
schools is still carried out offline (outside the network), namely by coming
directly to the school from registration to announcement of the results of the
selection of new students. The system implemented, although still using the
offline system, is in accordance with the educational administration standards
set by the government.
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