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effect of greenhouse gases produced by plastic waste is one of the causes of the
hotter temperature. The purpose of this study is to determine the Millennial
Generation's Green Behavior Characteristics in Increasing the Use of EcoProducts. The study employs qualitative methodologies, with data gathered
through a literature review. The study's findings reveal that the idea of protecting
the environment is growing in line with global warming. Environmental concerns
are frequently linked to the future. That is, long-term rather than short-term
consequences are predicted from pro-environmental initiatives and green
behavior. Millennials are a more future-oriented generation, thus they are willing
to forego current gratification in order to accomplish better long-term goals.
Millennials are willing to invest time and resources in present activities that will
have a long-term impact, and they are willing to put up with an uncomfortable
circumstance in the short term if it will lead to a better future.
Article Details
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