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Harry Santoso
Roy Sembel
Gracia Shinta S. Ugut
Edison Hulu


This study aims to understand the influence of good corporate governance on
fundamental firm performance, stock performance, and firm value of companies
consistently included in IICD annual report for 5 years in 2014-2018. The good
corporate governance is proxied by using the score of ASEAN corporate
governance scorecard published in the firm annual report. A total of 11 samples
were collected using purposive sampling method and analyzed using panel data
regression. The results show that the good corporate governance does not have
significant influence on the fundamental firm and stock performance. However,
it has significant influence on the firm value.

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How to Cite
Harry Santoso, Roy Sembel, Gracia Shinta S. Ugut, & Edison Hulu. (2020). PENGARUH GOOD CORPORATE GOVERNANCE TERHADAP KINERJA FUNDAMENTAL, KINERJA SAHAM DAN NILAI PERUSAHAAN. Fair Value: Jurnal Ilmiah Akuntansi Dan Keuangan, 3(1), 111–130.


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