Main Article Content
Garbage is a complex problem that every big city has. The waste problem is a
common problem that requires efforts and efforts from the community, private
sector actors and the government to handle it. Therefore, one of the efforts of the Makassar City Government in handling waste is the establishment of a Waste
Bank in each region with a Central Waste Bank under the Makassar City
Environmental Service. Collaborative Governance was born due to limited
resources and government finances in the continuity of the management of the
Waste Bank which is now in every District of Makassar City. One of them is the
Manggala Sector Waste Bank under the leadership of the Manggala District
Government which is now collaborating with PT. Pegadaian since 2019. The
inscription of cooperation between Manggala District and PT. Pegadaian was
inaugurated in 2019 and inaugurated by the deputy mayor of Makassar with the
theme “The Gade Clean & Gold Waste Sorting Program Saving Gold PT.
Pawnshops and Manggala District". In the ongoing collaboration process,
indicators are met in building communication which is reflected by weighing
waste involving community participation, building commitments that have the
hopes and desires of the collaborating parties to play a role in sorting waste so
that the volume of waste entering the landfill can be controlled, building trust
from parties involved. collaborating is the main supporter in achieving
consistency in collaborative performance, and understanding in achieving
results includes the creation of a clean environment and public understanding
that waste can be of value. The research was conducted using qualitative
methods, namely interviews and field observations.
Article Details
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