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Eliza Ariesta
Rawit Sartika


This paper aims to investigate how the relationship between Transformational
leadership style and learning organization (OL))/learning organization
(LO)/learning organization (OL) is measured in the literature. This systematic
literature review analyzes peer-reviewed publications. English which examines
the relationship between leadership and Organizational Learning (OL)
empirically. A total of 27 articles have been found in 42 journals. This paper
provides a holistic view of transformational leadership that has been linked to
Organizational Learning (OL) in various countries and industries. Research
methods from the literature were also examined.

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How to Cite
Eliza Ariesta, & Rawit Sartika. (2021). PERAN TRANSFORMATIONAL LEADERSHIP DALAM ORGANIZATIONAL LEARNING: LITERATURE REVIEW. Fair Value: Jurnal Ilmiah Akuntansi Dan Keuangan, 4(4), 1332–1347.


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