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Valentini Febriani Bala Lande


This study aims to analyze and describe changes in policy changes in land
registration policies from PRONA (National Agrarian Operations Project) which
is regulated in Ministerial Regulation of ATR/KBPN Number 4 of 2015 to
Complete Systematic Land Registration (PTSL) which is affirmed through
Ministerial Regulation of ATR/KBPN Number 6 of 2018 concerning Complete
Systematic Land Registration. This study uses the theoretical perspective of the
Advocacy Coalition Framework (ACF) from Sabatier and colleagues. The
approach used in this research is a qualitative approach with a case study
strategy. The results of the study indicate that the change in legislation regarding
the registration of land rights is contained in the regulation of the Minister of
Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning/Head of the National Land Agency Number 12 of 2017 concerning the Acceleration of the Implementation of Complete
Systematic Land Registration (PTSL). PRONA and PTSL policies are the same
policy, namely regarding land adjudication, there is only a slight increase in the
results to be achieved later which is not only producing a certificate but also
carrying out a mapping process to improve data on land in Indonesia which is
grouped into several categories.

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How to Cite
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