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This research was conducted to determine the influence of Brand Credibility
towards Word of Mouth through Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty at
Sarinande Cilegon. This research held in Cilegon, involving 110 respondents
who had shopped at Sarinande Cilegon. Data collected by distributing
questionnaires containing 285 questions with Likert Scale of one to five based on
non-probability sampling method with convenience sampling technique. Data
was analyzed with Partial Least Sqaure (PLS) based Strutural Equation
Modelling (SEM) method. The result of this research state that customer
satisfaction id proven to mediate the influence of brand credibility towards word of mouth, but not with customer loyalty. The positive influence was also proven
on the influence of customer satisfaction and customer loyalty to word of mouth,
and also had a positive influence on the effect of customer satisfaction on
customer loyalty. Whereas it was not proven that brand credibility had a positive
influence towards customer loyalty
Article Details
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