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Nathanael Priltius
Wahono Sumaryono
Sri Widyastuti


Along with the increasing activity of people, especially in urban areas, and the
number of instant products that are fast-paced and practical, an innovative
waterless hand sanitizer product has emerged, known as antiseptic hand sanitizer
or hand sanitizer. This hand sanitizer product contains an antiseptic used to kill
germs on hands, which consists of alcohol and triclosan. Based on data from
2015 - 2020 which is the result of a Top Brand survey of hand sanitizer users in
Indonesia, it is found that the Antis and Dettol brand hand sanitizers always have
an index that places them in the top two positions in that period. In this study, two
independent variables were selected including brand image and perceived
quality, with the assumption that the independent variables were proven to have
a positive relationship with trust and purchasing decisions. This research was
conducted in five areas of DKI Jakarta (West Jakarta, East Jakarta, Central
Jakarta, North Jakarta, and South Jakarta) in November - December 2020. The
sample used was 200 respondents. The data analysis technique used Structural
Equation Model (SEM), in this case, Liserel. The results of the study concluded:
1) Brand Image affects consumer confidence in antis products; 2) Quality affects
consumer confidence in antis products; 3) Brand Image affects consumer
decisions to buy antis products; 4) Quality influences consumer decisions to buy
antis products; 5) Trust affects consumer decisions to buy antis products; 6)
Brand image and quality can explain 86% of the trust variance, while the
remaining 14% is explained by other factors. Brand image, quality, and trust can
explain 92% of the variance of purchasing decisions while the remaining 8% is
explained by other factors; and, 7)There are direct and indirect effects of brand
image and quality variables on the decision to buy antis products. The indirect
effect is through the variable of consumer confidence in antis products.

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How to Cite
Nathanael Priltius, Wahono Sumaryono, & Sri Widyastuti. (2021). THE EFFECT OF BRAND IMAGE AND QUALITY PERCEPTIONS ON TRUST AND THEIR IMPACT ON THE DECISION TO BUY HAND SANITIZER. Fair Value: Jurnal Ilmiah Akuntansi Dan Keuangan, 4(4), 1054–1077.


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