Analisis Proses Bisnis Peningkatan Layanan Sistem Jaringan Dokumentasi dan Infomasi Hukum Kabupaten/Kota di Daerah Provinsi Jawa Barat Menggunakan Metode Umpan Balik 360

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Beny Ruhiman


The rapid flow of information, supported by the development of information
technology, requires the government to adapt to the current situation. JDIH's
role is not only to document regulations and to publish them, but to make efforts
to disseminate legal information to the public. The purpose of this study is to
analyze the Business Process of Service Improvement for District/City Legal
Documentation and Information Network Systems in the Province of West Java
Using the 360 Feedback Method. 360 Assessment is a method of evaluating
organizational performance against its employees, self-assessment is carried
out from various directions starting from the top management, middle
management, peer (equal) and subordinate (subordinate). The results of the
study show that the management of JDIH is in accordance with the standards
that have been set so that it can help to simplify and harmonize regulations so
as to avoid overlapping

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How to Cite
Beny Ruhiman. (2019). Analisis Proses Bisnis Peningkatan Layanan Sistem Jaringan Dokumentasi dan Infomasi Hukum Kabupaten/Kota di Daerah Provinsi Jawa Barat Menggunakan Metode Umpan Balik 360. Fair Value: Jurnal Ilmiah Akuntansi Dan Keuangan, 2(1), 164–176.


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