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The aim of this study was to find out: Specifically the profile of women fishermen
households in the coastal areas of Kendari Bay, West Kendari Subdistrict and to find
out the impact of involvement of fishermen household women in the MSME sector
(Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises) in the Kendari Bay Kendari District West. This
study uses qualitative data as for the method used in this study is to use the method of
observation, interviews / interviews, documentation and literature. While the data
analysis technique uses data reduction methods, data display and data verification.
From the results of this study it can be concluded that the lowest level of formal education of female fishermen households has only finished primary school, making the
choice of participation of respondents to work in the informal sector of Micro, Small and
Medium Enterprises / MSMEs. Respondents who work in the MSME sector are the
majority of the productive age group between the ages of 35 - 39 years. Although there
is no empowerment program in the form of entrepreneurship training from both the
Government and Stakeholders, the respondents can be "self-empowered" due to the
accessibility of facilities and infrastructure that are easy and sufficient to support their
economic activities. Respondent participation in the MSME sector because of the
family's economic condition from the livelihood provided by the husband is still very
minimal to meet basic needs. With the participation of respondents working in the
informal MSME sector, it has increased family income. The increase in family income
has a positive impact on the ability to fulfill basic needs of fishermen households in the
coastal areas of Kendari Bay, West Kendari sub-district
Article Details
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