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Novi Diah Wulandari
Henda Resti Fatmaningrum2
Rifqi Syarif Nasrulloh


Guwosari village has a well-known historical tour, namely Selarong Cave which is the
site of Prince Diponegoro's petilasan. In the economic sector, Guwosari Village has a
well-known culinary potential, namely ingkung ayam. There are 8 culinary industries in
the form of ingkung stalls which are quite well known both locally and nationally. In
terms of handicrafts, Guwosari Village has mainstay commodities of coconut shell
crafts, wood crafts and sungging arrangements, with the superior commodities being
bamboo and blangkon. This study aims to analyze the financial feasibility of developing
Guwosari tourism village, especially Banjaran Hamlet, using the NPV IRR PBP and
NET B / C methods. data collection methods using interviews and observations and
processed to produce cash flow calculations. The results of this study indicate that NPV>
0, IRR = 28%, NET B / C> 1. With a PBP of 5.7 years, this shows that the development
of the tourist village of Guwosari can be done

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How to Cite
Novi Diah Wulandari, Henda Resti Fatmaningrum2, & Rifqi Syarif Nasrulloh. (2021). STUDI KELAYAKAN FINANSIAL DESA WISATA GUWOSARI. Fair Value: Jurnal Ilmiah Akuntansi Dan Keuangan, 4(Spesial Issue 1), 429–436. Issue 1.743


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