Pengaruh Beban Kerja, Stres Kerja, dan Lingkungan Kerja terhadap Kinerja dengan Turnover Intention sebagai Mediasi pada Karyawan PT Farmasi XYZ dalam Masa Pandemi COVID-19
Main Article Content
An organization or company needs quality human resources to create success. HR
management is important to note because it can affect the performance of HR. Several
factors that need to be considered include work stress, workload, and the work
environment, especially considering changing conditions such as during the COVID-19
pandemic. In addition to performance, these factors can also affect the desire of HR to
work in the company or what is known as turnover intention. The turnover intention of
HR will also affect performance. This study aims to examine the effect of workload, work
stress, and work environment on performance with turnover intention as a mediation for PT XYZ pharmacy employees during the COVID-19 pandemic. This study uses a
quantitative approach with a survey method on employees of PT XYZ. The number of
respondents who collected as many as 160 with convenience sampling method. Data
analysis technique using structural equation model (SEM) assisted by PLS software
version 3.3.2. The results of this study indicate that; work stress and workload have a
significant positive effect on turnover intention, while the work environment has a
negative effect on turnover intention, workload and turnover intention have a significant
negative effect on performance, work environment has a significant positive effect on
performance, and work stress has an insignificant positive effect on performance, and
turnover intention is a full mediation for the work stress variable, a partial mediation
for the workload, and not a mediation for the work environment.
Article Details
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