Financial Performance SME’s: Reputation and Environmental as Moderation

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Luh Putu Virra Indah Perdanawati
Ni Putu Yuliana Ria Sawitri


This investigation hence, plans to give proof from a non-industrial nation's point of view
and above all from the stance of SMEs perceiving how quick these organizations are
ascending in non-industrial nations. In particular, this investigation plans to give an
itemized viewpoint with an end goal to associating existing writing holes through (a)
exposing the impact of green production practices, environmental performance, firm
reputation, and financial performance(b) also establishing the influence of adopting
green production practices on firm reputation, financial and environmental
performance and (c) assessing how firm reputation and environmental performance
affect financial performance.
Through reaching producing relationship, around 2,000 assembling SMEs and their
contacts were acquired. By utilizing the Krejcie and Morgan's examining strategy, 100
SMEs were arbitrarily chosen. This investigation adopting an exploratory strategy
received a study research plan and a quantitative way to deal with information
examination explicitly utilizing partial least square structural equation modelling (PLSSEM) procedure in making understandings because of its reasonableness for prescient
examination models.
The result of this study is Green Production has a positive and significant effect on Firm
Reputation, Environmental Performance and Financial Performance. Financial
Reputation has a positive and significant effect on Financial Performance.
Environmental Performance has a positive and significant effect on Financial Performance. Environmental Performance mediates the relationship of Green Productionin a
positive and significant way to Financial Performance. Firm Reputation mediates the
relationship of Green Production in a positive and significant way to Financial Performance.

Article Details

How to Cite
Luh Putu Virra Indah Perdanawati, & Ni Putu Yuliana Ria Sawitri. (2021). Financial Performance SME’s: Reputation and Environmental as Moderation. Fair Value: Jurnal Ilmiah Akuntansi Dan Keuangan, 4(3), 686–697.


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