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Resita Rahmadani
Aninda Safirah
Riky Faza


The aim of this study is to analyze and design an accounting system of income-tax
accounting (PPh 21) for participants in activities in the northern city of Cimahi
district. The design method used in the information system here uses the waterfall
method. The gathering of information on this method is done by interviews,
observation and library studies. From the observations made, there is a dragline
aspect to the information processing process, and it still employs a manual system
in data users that uses only Microsoft Excel which is still less effective and efficient
and requires a relatively long time in the income-tax counting process (PPh 21) for
participants. Thus, it requires designing an income-tax accounting system (PPh 21)
implemented using Microsoft Visual 2010 and Microsoft access 2013. As the result
of this new system of things, it is expected to make Cimahi’s northern city easier to
deduct Cimahi in the more optimum process of the income-tax counting process
(PPh 21).

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How to Cite
Resita Rahmadani, Aninda Safirah, Gunardi, & Riky Faza. (2021). ANALISA DAN PERANCANGAN SISTEM INFORMASI PERPAJAKAN PERHITUNGAN PAJAK PENGHASILAN (PPh 21) BAGI PESERTA KEGIATAN DI KECAMATAN CIMAHI UTARA. Fair Value: Jurnal Ilmiah Akuntansi Dan Keuangan, 4(5), 1667–1679.


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